
Amazon ECS

Elastic Container Service is a managed Docker container orchestration service.

  • Supports Auto scaling groups
  • Steps:
    • Create a service for each application (component)
    • Register the target group instances (EC2) for these services
    • Create an ALB with target groups that points to ECS app services
  • Two modes:
    • Fargate launch type
    • EC2 launch type

ECS Concepts

Amazon ECS Cluster

Foundational infrastructure components on which containers run, it consists of one or more EC2 instances, with an agent installed.

In an AWS Fargate launch type, ECS clusters are not made up of EC2 instances, but AWS simply assigns each one an elastic network interface. This provides network connectivity for the container without the need to manage the infrastructure on which it runs.

Task Definition

A task definition is a JSON document that describes one or more containers to launch. A single task definition can describe between one and 10 containers and their requirements. Task definitions can also specify compute, networking, and storage requirements, such as which ports to expose to which containers and which volumes to mount.


When creating a service, you can specify the task definition and number of tasks to maintain at any point in time. After the service creates, it will launch the desired number of tasks; thus, it launches each of the containers in the task definition.

If any containers in the task become unhealthy, the service is responsible and launches replacement tasks.

Target Tracking Policies

Determine when to scale OUT the number of tasks based on a target metric. In the case of a conflict of multiple target tracking policies, the highest task count wins.

Step Scaling Policies

Determine when to scale IN or OUT as metrics increase or decrease.

Task Placement Strategies

Determine on a best-effort basis, on which instances tasks are distributed. The spread task placement strategy distributes tasks across multiple AZs as much as possible. Other strategies include binpack (try to leave the least amount of unused CPU or memory) and random.

Task Placement Constraints

Enforce specific requirements on the container instances on which tasks launch, such as to specify the instance type as t2.micro.

Amazon ECS Service Discovery

Allows you to assign Amazon Route 53 DNS entries automatically for tasks your service manages. A service directory maps DNS entries to available service endpoints. ECS Service Discovery maintains health checks of containers, and it removes them from the service directory should they become unavailable.

Amazon ECS Container Agent

Responsible for monitoring the status of tasks that run on cluster instances. If a new task needs to launch, the container agent will download the container images and start or stop containers. If any containers fail health checks, the container agent will replace them


Amazon EKS

Elastic Kubernetes Service is a managed Kubernetes service, to run Kubernetes in the AWS cloud and on-premises data centers.


Amazon ECR

Elastic Container Registry is simply a managed Docker registry.


AWS Cloud Map

AWS Cloud Map is a fully managed service that allows you to register any application resources (such as databases, queues, microservices, and other cloud resources) with custom namespaces.

AWS Cloud Map then constantly checks the health of resources to make sure the location is up-to-date, allowing you to add and register any resource with minimal manual intervention of mappings.

AWS Cloud Map assists with service discovery, continuous integration, and health monitoring of your microservices and applications.


AWS App Mesh

AWS App Mesh captures metrics, logs, and traces from every microservice which you can export to Amazon CloudWatch, AWS X-Ray, and compatible AWS partner and community tools for monitoring and tracing.

It also provides custom control over traffic routing between microservices to assist with deployments, failures, or scaling of your application.

App Mesh lets you configure microservices to connect directly to each other via a proxy instead of requiring code within the application or using a load balancer.

App Mesh uses Envoy, an open source service mesh proxy which is deployed alongside your microservice containers.


AWS Fargate

AWS Fargate is a technology for Amazon ECS and Amazon Elastic Container Service for Kubernetes (Amazon EKS) that allows you to run containers without having to manage servers or clusters.