
Amazon Route 53

How it works

  • HA and scalable cloud DNS service
  • You can combine with health-checking services to route to healthy endpoints
  • You can also purchase and manage domains
  • If you have stringent SLA add Global Accelerator, protecting users and applications from caching
  • Routing options
    • Simple routing
    • Weighted routing
      Enables A/B testing using any number between 0 and 255
      ie: a:3/b:1 means a:75%, b:25%
    • Latency based routing (LBR) Routes to the fastest endpoint, based on actual performance measurements
    • Failover policy (active-passive failover)
    • Geolocation routing (based on user location)
    • Geoproximity routing (based on resource location)
    • IP based

Similar to CNAME record, pointing to a LB

Traffic policies

  • Graphic editor
  • Rules can be based on location, latency…
    • Value -> ELB target group
    • Value -> Weighted rule
      • 30% -> ELB TG
      • 70% -> IP

Restricting access

CloudFront provides two ways to send authenticated requests to an Amazon S3 origin:

  • Origin Access Control (OAC)
  • Origin Access Identity (OAI)

We recommend using OAC because it supports:

  • All Amazon S3 buckets in all AWS Regions
  • Amazon S3 server-side encryption with AWS KMS (SSE-KMS)
  • Dynamic requests (PUT and DELETE) to Amazon S3

Origin access identity (OAI) doesn’t work for the scenarios in the preceding list, or it requires extra workarounds in those scenarios.